V školskom roku 2023/2024 pracujeme od februára 2024 na novom dlhodobom eTwinning projekte:
M = mentorship
E = entrepreneurship
E = eco-consciousness
T = technology
S = skills
U = university degree
C = competence
C = creativity
E = enthusiasm
E = engagement
D = diversity
Partneri projektu: Litva, Slovensko,Turecko
Prvým príspevkom z našej multikultúrnej spolupráce je naše spoločné motto:
The path from "ignorance, incompetence and lack of interest" to "success, abilities, skills and satisfaction" is difficult and long
...our students have to overcome obstacles in the path every school day, countless times in every lesson…
... however, we, their teachers, are also on this path every day, also countless times...
Let's try to help each other